Project “Innovation of productive processes for eco-sustainability”
At the end of the 2011 the project named “Innovation of productive processes for eco-sustainability”, presented by TPS srl in relation to DGR 1753 of the 26th November (POR-FSE 2007-2013 “Piani integrati a supporto delle Imprese Venete – Linea 3, III Fase, Anno 2011”), was selected in the framework of the Operational Programme co-financed by the European Social Fund based of evaluation criteria approved by Monitoring Committee of the Programme.
The activity, began to March 2012, involved many business functions at all levels engaging in a teamwork for the improvement of processes related to Life Cycle Assessment of products, bringing therefore to obtain an environmental impact study long life cycle and providing the basic data for the planning and for the achievement of reduction of energy costs, optimization of resources, and consequent reduction of significant environmental impacts. The implementation of the project as well as having allowed, at the end of a stage, the inclusion in the company of two new employees, allowed the diffusion between the stakeholder of the necessary skills to redesign company processes in order to eco-sustainability, making in this way, more efficient the use of energy resources. Amoung the popular notions, there are also those relating to the use of computer tools for the acquisition and analysis of sensitive data, such as energy consumption and the performance of the emissions calculated on the basis of data collected in the company and information from international archives.